Fantasy Fans Gather Round!

Hey, gang! I'm back to share some great news. My author pal, D.A. Botta, has just released the fourth book in his Elyzian Chronicles saga, Hexametyr. DA has a great sense of humor and takes his craft seriously, so I have no reservations recommending this one to folks. :)

To celebrate the launch, I'm helping spread the word about the entire series, beginning with book #1, Hysterata. Here's the skinny:

Emily Hobbs is off to Salem State College when a chance encounter with a fortuneteller changes everything. Emily is transported to the realm of Elyzia and learns that she is, in fact, one of the most powerful witches in existence.

Madame Lavache, the strict headmistress of Cedalion Covenstead, has her sights set on Emily. In her desperate cling to power, Lavache attempts to protect her tyranny by invoking sinister forces, including bloodthirsty pirates and The Devil himself, to rid Elyzia of the rebellious witch.

Along with her companions – an old hermit, a small coven of witches, and their totems – Emily sets out on a collision course with destiny.

Just as the tarot foretold.

A powerful witch
A simple tarot read
And all hell breaks loose

The Elyzian Chronicles 

Hysteriata - Book 1
Sinfluence - Book 2
Sycamortem - Book 3
Hexametyr - Book 4

You can enter for a chance to win the entire series below! Here's a little more about D.A. -

D A Botta has written four New Adult Fantasy novels, The Elyzian Chronicles, and has also published a collection of poems There in Them Blues. D A is currently working on a New Adult Mystery series, Seriously Confidant, projected for debut in the fall of 2015. D A is a Fantasy Representative for NA Alley and frequents #NALitChat on Twitter. When not writing, D A plays guitar and dabbles in graphic design. D A lives with his family in Massachusetts.




  1. Congratulations, DA!
    Like the new look of your blog, EJ.

  2. Thanks so much EJ!
    You're too kind. ;)

  3. A big congratulations to DA! And I like your new banner, EJ! :)

  4. First, nice header, EJ! :)

    Second, congratulations, D.A. Your series looks interesting. What a generous prize!

  5. Wow. Loved this, EJ. DA's work looks FANTASTIC… I'm so glad you highlighted him! Thank you! :)

    1. It IS fantastic! ;) literally.
      Thanks so much!

  6. Hi E.J. -- good to see you back and hope you starting posting more often soon. And thanks for introducing me to D.A. Botta and his books.

  7. I haven't read this series, but this cover looks awesome! Thanks so much for the giveaway. :)

    So happy you are back blogging. :)

  8. Ooh, this series sounds fantastic. I've always been a sucker for stories featuring witches! :)

  9. What a great holiday treat! And you're a wonderful friend to help get the word out about the books. Who can resist a witch or two?

  10. Oooh! This sounds like a fascinating read! I love a good fantasy. :)

    Here is hoping that your 2015 is filled with all the best things in life!


“Much unhappiness has come into the world because of bewilderment and things left unsaid.” ― Fyodor Dostoyevsky

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