Who: NA Alley
What: Our 1st Blogiversary Party
Where: Twitter (#NAParty)
When: May 02, 2013 from 8:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. EDT
Why: Because we love you!
Come on and check out the author websites. They all donated to this awesome event so let's give them some love:
Hey, gang! (E.J. here) Once you're done partying with Lynn and the others, I hope you'll stick around for the official NA Alley Blog-NA Lit Chat After Party! It's super exclusive, and only those who know the password are allowed in. Closed-toed shoes and bottle service are a must!
Okay, it's not THAT exclusive, but it does require a Twitter account and the use of the #NALitChat tag in your tweets. And you'll probably be asked to verify your fandom for Channing Tatum... but that's a story for another time. :)
What is NA Lit Chat? I'll tell you: In 2012 I stumbled across this band misfit NA bloggers called NA Alley. I got really excited about this NA stuff, started tweeting with the Alley contributors, and began cyber-stalking their blogs.
In one of my correspondences to them I said that I was going to start using the #NALitChat tag on Twitter, because if YA, Adult, Indie, etc. had their own hash, NA should too. Shortly thereafter, one of the Alley ladies contacted me and said, "Hey, we should totally have a weekly chat, too. Why don't you do it?"
I was like, "I don't know how... but hell yes!"
Much weeping, gnashing, and planning ensued, but eventually we gave birth to a thriving Twitter chat in July of last year. You'll notice I said "we", because without the gentle--but persistent--nudging and support of the Alley folks I don't think I'd have had the courage to do it on my own.
Since that time, the chat has boomed. We trend on Twitter most weeks. Some of the fledgling writers who I first met on the chat not even a year ago are now USA Today and NYT bestselling authors. (No credit to the chat by the way--just an example of the kind of awesome we attract! lol) We regularly have guests and publishing industry experts who share their knowledge and insight with our NA chatters. All of which might not seem like that big of a deal, but when we started this thing, I figured most weeks it would be me, Carrie, Jaycee, Victoria, Summer, Juliana, Bailey, and L.G. talking about what we had for dinner.
In short, I've been blown away by all the fervor for NA just like everyone else, and I like to think the chat is a small part of it all. And I also think NA Alley--like so many other things in the NA community of ours--was a key part of making it happen.
So join us (9 PM EST) after the NA Alley Twitter Celebration tonight, and help Carrie and the others keep the party going.You'll meet a ton of fellow NA cheerleaders, chat with NA authors, and probably make some new friends, too. Bonus: We do this Twitter NA chat thing EVERY Thursday night, so you might even have a new hangout when it's all said and done.
Happy Blogiversary NA Alley!
Your Grateful Fans,
E.J. & Everyone From #NALitChat
You guys have fun!
ReplyDeleteMissed you for the IWSG yesterday.
Wow! Can't wait :-D
ReplyDeleteSounds like loads of fun...:)
ReplyDeleteWish I could, but we're going out tonight to celebrate our 22nd anniversary.
ReplyDeleteI missed out on this. I came down with a super bug and took to bed for the day and night. Much better now, but way behind in all things.
ReplyDeleteSorry EJ! Just saw this, but I hope the chat was fabuawesome!
ReplyDeleteEep. I missed it. Too much T.V. to watch.
ReplyDeleteCongratulations and have fun tonight.
ReplyDeleteI hope it all worked out well for you EJ. I'm not a YA lit reader; but I luv you as a blogger friend. Go far My Man.
I missed it.
ReplyDeleteHugs and chocolate,
Sounds like a blast! Happy party!
ReplyDeleteI hope it was fun!
ReplyDeleteI say many thanks to the father of the website admin I read this, because at this website I know a lot of information information that I did not know before his
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