I'm Going On Tour! Who's Coming With Me?

Hey gang! Hope this post finds you all better than well. Thanks to everyone who left encouraging words for the authors who've been visiting my blog of late. I know it means a lot to them.

As many of you probably know, I released a new story (Witch's Nocturne) in December. *confetti and hangovers* I've done some blog touring already to celebrate, but mostly on the blogs of people I know well. (You all! Thank you! Thank You! ... just in case I haven't told you so enough.) Now it's time for me to REALLY hit the road, and I hope some you will join me.

Here's where I'm going (and when)

2/4 Books and Things ~ Blood Fugue FREE for Kindle Day!
2/5 Missy's Reads and Reviews
2/6 Jessie's Book Place
2/7 Kaidan's Seduction
2/7 Lost in Books
2/8 Bookhounds
2/11 Far From Reality
2/11 Defiantly Deviant
2/12 Words Create Scenes
2/13 Lovely Reads
2/14 Deal Sharing Aunt
2/15 Free Ebooks Daily ~ Blood Fugue FREE for Kindle Day!
2/15 Candace's Book Blog (My tour organizer ... she rocks!)
2/18 Bookhounds ~ Blood Fugue FREE for Kindle Day!
2/19 Girl With a Laptop and Books
2/20 Love is Not a Triangle
2/21 Buried in Books
2/22 Curling Up With a Good Book
2/25 Paperback Princess
2/26 Book Loving Mom
2/27 Amethyst Daydreams
2/28 The (Mis) Adventures of a Twenty-Something Year Old Girl
3/1 Oh Chrys!
3/1 For the Love of Film and Novels
3/2 JC's Book Haven
3/4 Pages of Forbidden Love
3/4 Crazy Four Books

You'll notice that the fist story in the Moonsongs series, Blood Fugue, will be free on Amazon February 4th, 15th, and 18th. So if you haven't had a chance to read it yet, I'd greatly appreciate you snagging a copy--on me, of course. :-)

ALSO, as my loyal blog-friends, I want to make sure you know about the giveaways I'm doing in conjunction with the tour. 

I've gotten my hands on some fabulous signed books (including Capitol Hell by Jayne J. Jones & Alicia M. Long, Soul Screamers, Vol. 1 by Rachel Vincent, and John Green's mega-hit, The Fault in Our Stars ... pics below). They'll all go to one lucky winner (US only). 

I'll also be giving away 2 $15 gift certs to Amazon or Barnes & Noble.

Lastly, for my international friends only, $20 toward a Book Depository purchase. 

The Rafflecopter is at the bottom of this post, and will go live the first day of the tour. Be sure to come back here and enter, or better still, visit one of the tour stops and enter. (There'll be several ways for you to enter, I believe.)

One final favor to ask: Would you consider sharing my tour banner on your blog (if you do such things)? Clicking it will send your folks to this blog. I'd truly appreciate it, and am always glad to return the favor if you ever have a need. Truly just ask.

Here's the html for the banner:

<div class="separator" style="clear: both; text-align: center;">
<a href="http://the-open-vein-ejwesley.blogspot.com/2013/01/im-going-on-tour-whos-coming-with-me.html" imageanchor="1" style="margin-left: 1em; margin-right: 1em;"><img border="0" height="160" src="https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEgJ8hKfldbi5Dpk8zRuhnM8HzpzxDMRPcAhAkwR9Ph0hjjBsIqseoBQOpI7DhLGMIDxy_5B7cM-FYY4K7-3n2lRm1qz7HM_C685cD86fnyRGr3YX-9mZ_z1tPqQSEOfAmuo1rWaG5myJx4/s320/moonsong.png" width="320" /></a></div>
<br />

I think that's it! I've done a mix of interviews, excerpts, etc. for the various tour stops. And most will be reviewing my work *gulp*, so  each stop should be a new brand of fun. 

Hope you'll join me!


a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. Wow that is a big tour! I'd be exhausted. I'll grab the badge and promote it on the first day of your tour so everyone knows you've begun.

    1. Luckily, Candace (the tour organizer) has done a fabulous job of keeping my hands clean! I'll definitely be busy, but looking forward to meeting new folks.

      And thank you sir!

  2. Sir Poops and Hair Ball will definitely mention your tour E.J.

    Hugs and chocolate,

    1. Thank you Shelly dear! (And give my thanks to the pups as well. :)

  3. Good for you, EJ!! Congrats! I'll post your banner right now!

  4. We'll be touring for our books at the exact same time. How fun! Another author I follow is touring during the same time. Must be something about the first week of February.

    1. It's the month for love and touring ... and I'm cool with that! I'm sure I'll 'see' you on the road, LD. :-) Break a leg!

  5. Good luck on your tour! Should be loads of fun. Best:)

  6. I will grab the badge and try to help promote your tour sir. Thanks for the comment on my supernatural post. That was a long one!

  7. Looks like you have a great blog tour lined up!

  8. I missed the publication of your new book - sorry about that. Congrats and best of luck on tour! Hope to see you around.


    1. No worries VB! It went live just before the Holidays, so I actually hope you were too busy enjoying family, etc. to notice. :-) Appreciate the encouragement!

  9. Wow you're going everywhere! I will be one of your tour groupies hanging out backstage. :D

    Good luck with the tour, and I will definitely help spread the word.

  10. What a tour! I will be happy to put your banner on my blog, but it won't be till next week if that's okay.

  11. Good luck on the tour, EJ!

    Still can't get past the buttons.

    1. Thanks Norma!

      Still looking for a workaround on the buttons. :(

  12. EJ - Rock it! That's awesome!!!!!

  13. You are going to be worn out for this road trip!! I love The Fault in Our Stars... *sniff sniff*

    Yes, I can share the banner and tour info. I'll wait to do it at the tour start date.

    1. I haven't had a chance to read it yet, but I've heard it's very sad (but in a good way?). :-)

      I truly appreciate the help, Brinda!

  14. Hey, E.J.

    Congrats! ALL the best for your blog tour. Banner is up at my blog! Looking forward to hopping around to read all the posts.

  15. Cool! Love the banner. I've added it to Monday's GPM.
    Don't sweat the reviews. Your writing is good. ;)

  16. E.J. I'm happy to share your tour banner. You'll see it on my blog. Good luck with it all.

  17. Good luck E.J. I think I missed the fact that you published your second book. I've been so scattered for a while. But congratulations! And have fun on your blog tour.

  18. Whoa, that tour looks exhausting. I have Blood Fugue on my Kindle and have read about 25% so far.

    1. Forgot to add that I really like the voice in your story. :)

    2. Thank you Cindy! Really appreciate the kind words. :-)

  19. Banner is up!

    Wishing you all the best on your tour!

  20. Loving your book by the way. I shall finish it tonight and post a review (five star for my E.J.). I love the whole setup of the coven, and the conversation about the wire bra on the phone. Great way to inject personality.

  21. Holy Writing Wizards look at you go! Not sure I'll keep up but dang it, I'll try! Remember... have fun out there.

    Enjoyed the first one!

  22. Congrats on your release and the blog tour! :)

  23. Hey E. J. Wesley,

    Wow dude, quite the tour and I'm most impressed. I'll have a word with the dog who 'pawblishes' on my site, Penny the Jack Russell dog and modest internet superstar, as get her to mention your tour.

    Gone three in the morning and I'm leaving a comment. I should get an award. Cookies perhaps? :)


    1. Oh and yeah, your banner is now up on my shy, humble and oh so unassuming blog!

      Take care and have fun.



“Much unhappiness has come into the world because of bewilderment and things left unsaid.” ― Fyodor Dostoyevsky

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