I are a writer and THIS is a dumb weatherman.

Sadly, I just found out today that the school district I tutor for is considering removing internet access from its schools in an effort to save money in the face of massive budget cuts next year.  While I do think teachers (and heat on a cold day like today) are more essential to education than the web, I can't help but think that removing technology access from public schools is somehow not in the best interest of our young people.  How many modern students would survive college without being web savvy?  Many of the students I work with can't afford internet access at home, so their only option for doing web research is at school or public libraries which they or may not have access to.

I know, money is money, but I still think it's a rotten idea.  To liven the mood I'll share this video, which probably supports the idea that education has already fallen far enough.  In the future, everyone may be as dumb as this guy.  Enjoy!

NOTE:  I intentionally butchered the title of this post.  I shouldn't have to qualify that, but folks are so serious these days!  :)



  1. Oh geez.... what a blunder. Hope they decide against the internet thing. I agree, it's not a good thing to take away when everything will revolve around it in the future. On the other hand, maybe it's good to give kids a break from it??

  2. Maybe he meant "iced"..."? Kind of a longshot, but maybe he just needed something from Starbucks. ;)

    Pretty bad. I see your point, but I agree with P.K. - it could be good to have a break from it, despite the drawbacks of not teaching technology.

    (Also, now I'm quite conscious of what I'm writing, and how it's being spelled.)

  3. That's really sad. Both the budget cuts and the weather guy. I don't know about Texas, but in Ohio it seems that rather than put money into the schools they'd prefer to waste it convicting a woman of a felony and putting her in jail for five years just because she sent her kids to school in another district, supposedly defrauding the system. (Though she isn't actually going to have to serve that time, because the judge had a brain) With stupid things like that going on, it's no wonder states can't afford to fund their school systems.

  4. Students are pretty restricted on their computer access at school as it is. I'd guess they spend less than 10% of their time using the internet. Still, it's a vital part of their preparation for the real world--something we don't do enough of as it is. (Don't even get me started on the lack of life skills training.) I didn't even mention the teachers not being able to utilize web resources. This bugs me so much because I think we've moved way beyond the possibility/practicality of a web-less world. It's too ingrained in our daily lives. I can't think of a single career that doesn't heavily rely on web related access/skills.

    I agree that at times I do wish we could take back some of our reliance on technology; however, schools have to prepare students for what is and will be, not what was.

  5. @ Lisa: I totally agree. It seems we--as a society--pee away so much money.

  6. That is insane. I walk into my kids classrooms and smartboards have replaced blackboards giving teachers real time access to interactive teaching tools across the world. The US already lags behind several Western and Asian countries in education; this certainly won't help to close the gap!

  7. "...spells that nasty fouro-lettered word ICE."
    HAHA, I cracked up SO HARD. thanks for sharing! but really, hes just a human, he deserves some slack !

  8. and yes, i really agree with you on the whole inadequate school structure. as smart as a kid'll be in studies, what s/he really needs to go out there in the world. but trust me when i say the education system in western countries is a millionfold better than down here in pakistan. all schools do here is force students to memorize stuff, so they're not really even learning anything. really sad, if you ask me.

  9. I hear you Aleeza (on the weatherman and school issue). We all screw stuff up like this all the time, but fortunately most of us don't have a gig on TV and get nailed on YouTube! Still funny .... I'm a jerk like that. :)

  10. Whoa. And I thought our school was bad because they were cutting down on gym time. That is just awful.

  11. I think he knows ice isn't 4 letters and he's saying it is like cake calls friend a 4 letter word. also your district sucks if they do that. local news should jump all over that.

  12. @ Chris: I think you're right, but he's no Cake, nor is he singing a catchy tune. :)

  13. Oh my goodness. Internet access is an essential for a school. Cut football and baseball, but keep the internet! It is the future.

  14. I can't see the video, but taking the Internet out of schools? This is a bad idea. My 12 year old knows more about technology/Internet stuff than I do, and I'm on the computer ALL THE TIME.

    They live in a technological world. There should be a class on only using the internet/technology!

  15. I understand the need to save a buck too, but that is where they do the most damage. Instead of getting rid of the five coaches they have for basketball or football (like some schools have)they get rid of something that is actually beneficial to the children. That stinks.

  16. I think he meant, "that nasty four letter word, 'icy'".
    Eh, maybe not. He he.

  17. And you live in Texas? I thought the whole state was crazy-into education. I mean, hello! The TAKS test is the devil!!

  18. Becky, you'd normally be right. (And you ARE right about TAKS!:) It's a state money issue more than anything. My school district is the best in our large city, but public education budget for next year is being cut by the millions. I think everyone is just desperate. Doesn't make it any less sad.

  19. Hmmm...we left Houston and the mighty Cy-Fair school district last year. If it is a state-wide thing, then I guess it was a good time to flee!

  20. Not that things are much better here in VA, BTW.

  21. E.J. Think about it. He has a cush job, he's Amish-and...no one has ever said a bad four letter word in front of him. Poor guy....

  22. Why do I watch these things at work?


“Much unhappiness has come into the world because of bewilderment and things left unsaid.” ― Fyodor Dostoyevsky

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