Welcome to my stop on the Soul Twister (A Touched Girl #3) by Robyn Jones Blog Tour!
Goodreads Summary:
Months into recovering from the bloody events that took place in Soul Bender, Anna Pierce is ready to get back out there and fulfill her self-crafted destiny. Sadly, no one in her life feels the same way. The emergence of buried memories and out-of-the-blue powers send her straight into regular sessions with the school counselor. If only she could talk about her overly protective vampire boyfriend or the real threat posed by former friends turned enemies or her new guide who makes her former guide look like a bowl of sunshine. Anna has a lot going on, but at least she's too busy to think about her first Christmas at Ella's.

For a limited time, the First 2 Touched Girl novels are on sale for $.99 at Amazon!
Name: Elizabeth (Betsy if you know what’s good for you)
Description: Shorter than everyone she knows, long blond curly hair, sharp features, yet she still pulls off the angelic look during school hours, princess pink nails, and blue eyes
Top pet peeves: Anna driving Betsy’s car, Anna playing with Betsy’s hair, Anna standing too close, the list goes on and on
Family: Ella, her cranky great aunt, Sara, her teen mom best friend and cousin, Sam, Sara’s baby boy, Anna, her pain in the ass cousin, and her parents she never talks about and always tries to avoid
Surprising traits: Fiercely protective of Anna despite referring to Anna as “weird girl” on a regular basis, terrified of the movie The Ring, never talks about boyfriends but believes the only way to get over heartache is to move on quickly
Hobbies: Who knows what she does when she’s not hanging out with Sara? The girl does not share details about herself other than the fact that she is awesome. It’s suspected she listens to a lot of indie music and goes to parties. Anna also believes she practices her snark in the mirror.
Shining Betsy moments (according to Anna):
“Anna, space?” I hadn’t noticed, but I was practically sitting on Betsy's lap. “Do you really have to play with my hair?”
“Yes, it's so soft and curly. It tickles my fingers.” Had to give the little cousin credit for how hard she fought the smile that made her look like a completely different girl. A sweet one. (Soul Walker)
“Leave Anna alone,” Betsy said. “She’s my family.” The world shifted by a few inches. I realized I had gone up on my tiptoes. The sun shot diagonal beams of light at us as we stood just outside the front doors to St. Lucy’s, and all I wanted to do was twirl in the warm rays. I was Betsy’s family.
“Moment’s over, Anna,” my newest hero said quietly from a few feet away. We were alone and I had slipped into a twirl.
“Are we late?” I asked.
“No, but you know how to freak out a bunch of spoiled shits.” (Soul Bender)
The screen door barely had time to screech before the front door flew open. “Same damn spot, Anna. Shit. I can’t handle those clothes anymore! Give them to me.” Betsy’s stern expression and outstretched hand proved too much. I cracked up, moaned, held my stomach, and cracked up again.
“No? Fine. Get your ass up and no crying about your stab wounds.” Peter snickered next to me because Betsy saved irate for very special occasions. Usually, she went with annoyed or amused in a bad way.
“Where are we going? Are you allowed to leave school at lunch?”
“Never mind that. You like salsa. I’m banking on you spilling a shitload on your clothes and Ella deeming them unfit.”
“Ella stopped looking too closely at my clothes, Betsy.”
“Argh! Peter, get your girlfriend in my car. Then go away. You’re not invited.” It was my most favorite hostile date. (Soul Twister)
“Where are we going? Are you allowed to leave school at lunch?”
“Never mind that. You like salsa. I’m banking on you spilling a shitload on your clothes and Ella deeming them unfit.”
“Ella stopped looking too closely at my clothes, Betsy.”
“Argh! Peter, get your girlfriend in my car. Then go away. You’re not invited.” It was my most favorite hostile date. (Soul Twister)